Tuesday, May 28, 2013

So I've been extremely upset at my current "situation" as nothing has been going the way I think it should for the last 3 weeks.  It all started with a vacation to Mexico with my husband for a friends wedding.  We take trips with friends often because it is fun (and it is), but more often than not...I always have divorce on my mind by the time it is over.  Long story short - I don't feel it is normal for a husband to stay up until 5:00 AM either passed out on the beach or sleeping on a lounge chair on a cruise ship by himself...

So I've been PISSED and every little thing that he has done wrong since then has put me on edge.  Steam protruding from my ears, death lasers out of my eyes... you have to know what I'm talking about.  And he has no idea that I'm even upset.  Yes, yes, I know I should just tell him.  But I haven't found a good enough reason or good moment to make it effective.  If the timing is wrong, I'll just be the nagging wife. 

So I googled "rules for my husband"  ...because I know I have to give him examples.  I'm religious, but not ... lets just say I "used to be Catholic" and we don't preach on corners. So it would be abnormal of me to post this website, except the Lord works in mysterious ways and I just have to share this.  This is God's message to me via Google.com:


After reading this I decided that I was finally going to start the anonymous blog that I've always wanted so I can complain about my husband without making him look like an idiot to our friends and family.  I feel like an idiot because it probably isn't him that is causing all of the problems and just most of them :)  I'm in this marriage, too so I am at fault also.  Even if you remove the religious ties to the post, it still makes sense!